Vault Administrator MrFade Posted May 27, 2022 Vault Administrator Share Posted May 27, 2022 public abstract class wUnit { public IntPtr BaseAddress; public abstract GUID Guid; public abstract GUID Target; public abstract string Name; public abstract GUID Summoner; public abstract GUID Creator; public abstract GUID Owner; #region Flags public abstract bool Track; public abstract bool IsDead; public abstract bool IsGhost; public abstract bool Invisible; public abstract bool IsLootable; public abstract bool IsTapped; public abstract bool TappedByMe; public abstract bool TappedByAll; public abstract bool ReferAFriend; public abstract bool NotClientControlled; public abstract bool Spawning; public abstract bool PlayerControlled; public abstract bool InPreparation; public abstract bool NoAttack1; public abstract bool NoAttack2; public abstract bool IsImmune; public abstract bool IsImmunePC; public abstract bool IsImmuneNPC; public abstract bool IsLooting; public abstract bool PetInCombat; public abstract bool PvpFlagged; public abstract bool IsSilenced; public abstract bool CantSwim; public abstract bool CanSwim; public abstract bool IsPacified; public abstract bool IsStunned; public abstract bool IsInCombat; public abstract bool IsOnTaxi; public abstract bool IsDisarmed; public abstract bool IsConfused; public abstract bool IsFeared; public abstract bool IsPossessed; public abstract bool NoInteract; public abstract bool Skinnable; public abstract bool IsMounted; public abstract bool AppearDead; public abstract bool HideBody; public abstract bool IgnoreRep; public abstract bool CanListen; public abstract bool OffhandDisarmed; public abstract bool RangeDisarmed; public abstract bool RegeneratePower; public abstract bool PreventSpellClick; public abstract bool PreventSwimming; public abstract bool CantSwitchTarget; public abstract NpcFlag Flag4; public abstract bool HasGossipWindow; public abstract bool IsQuestGiver; public abstract bool CanTrainPlayer; public abstract bool HasDailyQuests; public abstract bool IsVendor; public abstract bool SellsFood; public abstract bool SellsReagents; public abstract bool CanRepairArmor; public abstract bool IsTaxi; public abstract bool IsSpiritHealer; public abstract bool IsSpiritGuide; public abstract bool IsInnkeeper; public abstract bool IsBanker; public abstract bool IsBattleMaster; public abstract bool IsAuctioneer; public abstract bool IsStableMaster; public abstract bool IsGuildBanker; public abstract bool IsMailInfo; public abstract bool IsTransmogrifier; public abstract bool IsVoidBanker; #endregion #region Stats public abstract uint Level; public abstract byte Gender; public abstract Class Class; public abstract Race Race; public abstract uint FactionID; public abstract UnitType uType; public abstract Family Family; public abstract Rank Rank; public abstract GatherType gType; public abstract bool NeedHerbalist; public abstract bool NeedMiner; public abstract bool NeedEngineer; public abstract uint Health; public abstract uint MaxHealth; public abstract double HealthPercent; public abstract uint Power; public abstract uint Mana; public abstract uint Rage; public abstract uint Focus; public abstract uint Energy; public abstract uint ComboPoints; public abstract uint MaxPower; public abstract uint MaxMana; public abstract uint MaxRage; public abstract uint MaxFocus; public abstract uint MaxEnergy; public abstract uint MaxComboPoints; public abstract double PowerPercent; public abstract double ManaPercent; public abstract double FocusPercent; public abstract double RagePercent; public abstract double EnergyPercent; #endregion #region Casting public abstract uint CastID; public abstract uint CastStart; public abstract uint CastEnd; public abstract uint CastRemaining; public abstract uint CastCompleted; public abstract bool IsCasting; public abstract uint ChannelID; public abstract uint ChannelStart; public abstract uint ChannelEnd; public abstract uint ChannelRemaining; public abstract uint ChannelCompleted; public abstract bool IsChanneling; #endregion #region Position public abstract double RotationD; public abstract float RotationF; public abstract Vector Position; public abstract float Pitch; public abstract bool IsBehind(wUnit Unit); public abstract bool IsTurning; public abstract bool IsMoving; public abstract bool IsSwimming; public abstract bool IsFlying; #endregion #region Local Player public abstract uint Money; public abstract uint Experience; public abstract uint MaxExperience; public abstract IntPtr InventoryPTR; public abstract List<GUID> Bags; public abstract List<GUID> Bank; public abstract List<GUID> Backpack; public abstract List<GUID> Equipment; #endregion } public static class wUnit_Extensions { #region Auras private static bool GetAuras(wUnit u, out List<uAura> Auras); public static bool HasAura(this wUnit u, uint SpellID); public static bool HasAura(this wUnit u, string SpellName); public static long AuraRemaining(this wUnit u, uint SpellID); public static long AuraRemaining(this wUnit u, string SpellName); public static int AuraStack(this wUnit u, uint SpellID); public static int AuraStack(this wUnit u, string SpellName); public static string AuraDispel(this wUnit u, uint SpellID); public static string AuraDispel(this wUnit u, string SpellName); #endregion public static string FactionName(this wUnit u); public static Reaction Reaction(this wUnit u1, wUnit u2); } 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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