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Automation Vault

Reinstalling your addon!


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  • Vault Administrator

This guide will quickly show you how exactly you can delete and update your addon to the latest version, it's suggested you do this after every official WEPW update.

Firstly you'll want to delete your existing addon :


In the battle net launcher, click the cog to the right of the player button - In the pop up menu click "Show in Explorer".



After that you'll need to locate your addon folder the directory will something similar. Then simply delete the addon you created, In my case it's "TheWorkingOne".


Once we've delete the physical addon we just need to go back to our BOT folder and look inside the Shadow folder.Capture.PNG.4e49dc8abf9c1edacf9d1226cb015cc9.PNG


In there you'll see a Settings.Json file this basically just stores info about the addon. Delete that and when you launch the BOT again it'll install the latest addon for you !

As always if you're having issues with this process @ me on the discord server / DM on the forums / Or even make a post in the support section.



Edited by MrFade
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