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Druid leveling rotation 1 -80


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As it name says rotation for leveling or grinding,capable to run from lvl 1 - 70

included no form fight,bear,cat,buffing,mana potion usage


For any issues with it write here or contact me on discord : speedysaky#8556


Thanks @ Content#8118 for testing and help


12/08---buffing only self,no npc buffing anymore,if you no form yet it will use range spells on fleeing mobs so there is no more chasing

23/08 -- not casting Cat form out of combat anymore so it dont break mount,tweaks to self heal spells

28/08 -- added when mounted if you have target to go cat form and cast FF,added innervate to OOC and combat bool,tweaked healing spells even more,added Omen of clarity usage

31/08--updated for Wotlk--added spells for cat and bear forms

06/09--should no longer cast Cat Form outside of combat if you use Flight Form or Swift Flight Form as a mount for gathering

16/09-- added Lacerate,should use Claw up to lvl 49,at 50 should go with Mangle(Cat),added checks for cat form not to break Travel form,Flight Form and Swift Flight Form so you can use those as your mounts while gathering








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