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Posts posted by MrFade

  1. Hello @caseybutt728 could you explain in a little more detail. 

    *What exactly does  this error say?

    *Are you running the BOT with Auto-Loot enabled?
    -If so was your inventory full while this bug was happening?

    *Does the BOT auto avoid the MOB after a set period of time?

    Lastly if you could please attach your log.txt file when this error happens.

  2. Hello mate this is a rather common problem among users.

    Firstly please ensure that your portraits in their default positions (Your player portrait and your targets portraits) and you are not running any other addons that might interfere with the BOTs addon.

    If you're sure everything is setup correctly then simply go into the settings tab of the BOT and click the button named Set Colors (in the top left of the settings tab). A message will pop up displaying what exactly you need to do. You only need to do this process once as the BOT will save those colors to file.

    Please let me know if this helped at all 🙂

    As always

    Kind Regards

    • Like 1
  3. Hello Casey.

    Combat, doesn't effect pathing - Therefor it should not matter the order you do things in. However I would suggest trying to start the combat before running the path.

    Also if you're having issues with the BOT starting combat. IE when you target something the BOT does not engage in combat, It's more than likely due to incorrectly set pixels.

    To fix this simply go to the settings tab in the BOT and locate the Set Colors (in the top left side of the tab) once you click the button a message will appear guiding you through the process. You should only have to do this once as the BOT will then save that information to file and will be used going forward.

    If you still are having issues please feel more than free to add me on discord as that is the best to get my support :


    Kind Regards


  4. Good morning mate sorry for the delay in my response it would appear we have fairly different time zones.

    The way the BOT handles combat will depend on your combat rotation that you have setup as well as some keybinds - I would be happy to walk you through all these settings if you're still having issues.

    Sadly, I have reached my friend limit on discord so I can no longer invite other users to my discord but only accept them so if you would so kind as to add me here :


    As always 

    Kind Regards

  5. Developer Log #3

     This update, I have really tried to rethink some older code and attempt to rewrite it more efficiently this resulting in various Improvements throughout the project.

    • In-game Addon

    I have adopted a new method and completely redesigned the in-game addon to use far less pixels & ultimately improving the way information is read from Client to BOT greatly improving the response time of the BOT in regards to pathing and rotation (Players facing direction).  Users will now see the BOT path far more accurately to it's way-points.  In a mathematical point of view using this new method of reading data - I managed to get the BOT to run within a distance of 10 points (based off X & Y) of each waypoint, Where as the old system could at best do 30 points. This will overall help with pathing through more narrow terrain. This also has the added benefit of simply looking far better in-game.


    • Improvements to MOB avoidance 

    The BOT now also takes into account it's target's health this being used to see if the BOT is fighting a MOB correctly IE - if the targets health is not dropping we know that we're stuck somehow and can not engage in combat therefor helping us to avoid MOBs that can't start combat.

    • Wait for health after combat

    The BOT now has an option to wait after combat until the players health as regenerated to above X%, If the player gets a attacked during this period the BOT will respond by attacking as normal.
    Once the player has regenerated above X% the BOT will carry on it's way - (Similar to eating/drinking after combat just without the eating or drinking 😛 )


        Quality of life changes:

    • Buff timers

    Buff timer settings will now be saved in SavedSettings.txt so users do not have to reset them everytime you reopen the project.
    Buff timers now also display the amount of seconds they have been running for to help with user understanding. They also print in the debug log when they are sent (with a timestamp)

    • Auto-Target

    Auto-target now more accurately calculates delays and targets more predictably.

    • Debug Log

    The debug log has now been somewhat color coded and time stamped. This log is also automatically saved every 15 seconds to make it easier for debugging.


    • Closing notes

    This update is been mainly focused on creating a more user friendly program and rewriting old outdated code to make the project more efficient. Going forward I would like to focus on a complete rework of the combat rotation system as I feel like that is the main burden on the project at the moment.
    I must give a special thanks to @snuz and @m00iee for suggesting features and improvements. 

    If you have any suggestions please make a new topic Here




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  6. Thanks for the suggestions snus, I've just finished adding most of your requests to the project - With exception to the combat auto-loader.

    As I plan to focus my full attention on the combat rotations of this project soon and a complete rebuild of the combat system may be in the cards as I feel it is a current burden on the project as a whole.


    *I've added Buff timers to the Saved Settings file
    *Buff timers will now display the amount of seconds they have be running (resets upon key being sent)
    *Done improvements to the log made the log color coded and added timestamps to all logs.

    A log file now auto-saves every 15 seconds to the Settings folder with a full dump of all that was in the log, This will help for debugger and seeing how the BOT died or got stuck previously.


    This among other changes I plan to announce and discuss in an upcoming dev-log hopefully tomorrow sometime!

    Once again thanks for the suggestions keep them coming !

    As always 

    Kind regards


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  7. Hello @virtualphatz  Thanks for the query.

    While in-game (assuming you have installed the addon correctly) Target something, A mob - Player - Or Even yourself. 

    This should active the addon and you should see colored blocks in the top left hand corner of your game.

    If this doesn't help you at all, Please add me on discord where I may guide you in more specific details for less downtime.


    Kind Regards


  8. Developer Log #2

    This update really just focuses on various bug fixes and improvements taken from the launch of the project. 

    In updates coming soon I plan to focus more heavily on Advanced pathing, Allowing users to create far more complex routes. Connecting many paths together and loading specific routes after killing X amount of MOBs. 

    • Login System

    I've made some noticeable changes to the login system of the Sanctuary Project:
      *The Login tab will now display the user's Name upon logging in.
      *The Login tab will now display the user's expiry date upon logging in.
      *The Login tab will now display purple text "Manage License" if the user clicks it, It will open the forums page with that users license Management.

    • Auto-Update

    Going forward the BOT will now check it's version ID & alert the user if he/she is running an outdated client - It's strongly suggested to NOT use an outdated client as new updates may include security & Safety improvements

    • Saving Files

    A previous bug caused the project to fail saving files (Combat,Routes & settings) this bug has been resolved and all files will be saved correctly now.

    • Pathing to closest Point

    A new feature is Pathing to closest point, This feature will simply paths to the nearest way-point after combat - This may improve the smoothness of paths after combat however it may cause the BOT to get stuck on trees or fences (while the unstuck feature will unstuck the BOT I felt it better if leave the choice to the user as it depends on the path that may be running ) This setting may be found as the last check box in the combat tab.

    • Advanced Pathing

    A few bug fixes have taken place with this system and it will not longer prematurely load new routes - I plan to make a video guide on this system alone as it's rather complex I would suggest new users to learn how to make basic routes first.

    • Error while recording route

    If for some reason the BOT lost sight of the in-game addon while the user was recording a path, the BOT will throw errors until the user stopped recording or closed the program. This has now been fixed and the BOT will show a warning message that something is covering the in-game addon or the BOT can not see it for some reason.

    • Colored X and Y cords

    The players current X and Y cords (displayed in the Pathing System tab) will now be color coded :
      Green - Meaning all is good and the BOT is finding the in-game addon perfectly fine -- No Errors
      Red - Meaning  an errors has occurred something is blocking the in-game addon or the BOT can not find it.

    • Closing notes

    Although this update hasn't been feature packed it has given a lot of information in regards to user friendliness as I am trying to create a project that is very beginner friendly and is easy to pick up. Of course this requires a lot of feedback & I do greatly appreciate the Sanctuary users who have given suggestions  or shared issues with the project !


    • Like 2
  9. Please ensure that all the following keybinds have been set.




    W: Move forward
    S : Move Backward
    A: Strafe Left
    D : Strafe Right

    Left Arrow : Turn left
    Right Arrow : Turn Right

    I : Interact with target under mouse
    U: Interact with Target
    J : Target Last Target
    O : Target Last Hostile

    F1 : Target Self




    If these keybinds have not been set this will result in errors and poor performance.

  10. Hello Kris thanks for the interesting suggestion - Just to get a better understanding of your suggestion :

    After combat has taken place you want a setting to allow the BOT to stand still and wait until the player's Health/Mana is higher than a X% ?

    It's a good suggestion I will look into it ! 

    Thank you for the feed back 🙂 

    • Like 2
  11. Hello Maximemonfetter 🙂

    Please ensure that the following Keybinds have been set :

    Target Last Hostile : o
    Target Last Target : j 

    I am realizing that there isn't much documentation regarding the required keybinds, I'll try draft a guide on that tomorrow !

    Let me know if this fixed your issues thanks!

  12. Creating your first Route



    This guide assumes you've read and had success with the following two guides Guide-1   Guide-2

    Right ! So recording a route using the new system is simple all you have to do is simply click the "Record Path" button - In about 1-2 seconds a new window should pop up. Then all you have to do is run your desired route.

    If you were wanting to create a big loop in-witch to farm MOBs it's important to end the route where you originally started it, This will make looping the route look far smoother.

    You can also have a look in the "Settings" tab within the Sanctuary Project to enable random jump and to set if the route should loop or not.

    • Like 1
  13. Hello maximemonfette Please ensure that you have the following key-binds bound :


    W: Move forward
    S : Move Backward
    A: Strafe Left
    D : Strafe Right

    Left Arrow : Turn left
    Right Arrow : Turn Right

    I : Interact with target under mouse
    U: Interact with Target

    Also please ensure that click to move is enabled in your game settings.

    Please let me know if this has solved your issue !

    Kind Regards

  14. Hello guys, Thanks for bringing this bug to my attention it is a director issue and will be fixed shortly.

    In the meanwhile if you need a quick fix, You can simply copy the "Combat Profile" file from within the Sanctuary folder to the same directory of the Launcher.exe this will fix the issue and your Combat rotations will be saved there.

    Thanks for your patience, I will release a patch later today with general users fixes.

    Kind Regards

  15. Developer Log #1

    • Pathing Update

    The past few days I have very heavily focused on the pathing system of the project,
    Sanctuary no longer uses the previous rotation system (N,S,W,E). The new system no longer requires any direction to be set creating routes are as simple as hitting record and running.

    No need to worry about any rotations anymore, Allowing users far more freedom in their paths (See Youtube Demos soon).


    • Grave Running

    A new feature that has been heavily request is grave running. If the user's character happened to die for whatever reason a second route (as set within the main route) will be automatically loaded.

    This path will run until rejoining the main route that the player previously died on. Once the BOT has successfully resurrected it will begin eating & drinking if it's Health or Mana are below the percentage set within the Settings tab.  It will then carry on it's main route normally (See Youtube Demos Soon).


    • Avoiding False Combats

    Previously if the BOT targeted a MOB behind an object that prevented the BOT from pathing towards the MOB, The BOT would get stuck in combat and remain behind the object until the MOB ran within attacking distance. The new unstuck system takes this into account and will avoid a MOB that results in it getting stuck.


    • The Combat System

    Recently there has been a various amount of changes to the combat system and I do plan to draft a full post dedicated to explaining the changes and future plans for the combat system. As for a brief explanation, The combat system now takes into account Players Health, Combo Points & Power (Mana, Energy &  Rage) this allowing users to create more efficient combat rotations. 

    For example, A line in the combat rotation could state to cast Lesser Healing when the players Health is below 30% & their Power (Mana) is greater than 20%.


    • Buff timers

    Another new feature Buff Timers that simply sends specified key strokes to the WoW client after X minutes, This feature may be used for various things such as keeping up player buffs or feeding players pets. It's note worthy that these events will only happen when the BOT is running it's path & not when it's in-combat.


    • Closing Notes  

    In closing, I am happy with the progress made thus far and I am looking forward to allowing users back into the Sanctuary project as beta testers in hopes of ironing out any bugs before officially launching the project once again. 


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