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Automation Vault


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Everything posted by Intangible

  1. 58-63 Starving Helboars (Spinebreaker) 60-64 Deranged Helboars (Near ogri'la HFP spot) 60-64 Helboars (Falcon Watch) 60-64 Hulking Helboars 60-65 Zangramarsh (Ylasor profile, send him your ty's) 65-68 Terokkar_Auchindoun (also a Ylasor profile, I think - small edits) 64-68 Nagrand_south (Southeast of Telaar, pretty smooth iirc) 67 Nagrand_voidspawns (Motes of shadow) 68-70 Netherstorm_shaleskin (right outside A52, motes of mana galore) 70 SMV_FireElementals (mote of fire, but kind of a shit profile tbh - never polished) As with all my projects, these are all open-source and you're free to edit and share them however you see fit. I will do my best to offer support if it's requested in the proper channels (ie. in WEPW discord, not via DMs), but I am not a WEPW dev nor am I compensated; as such, "I'll get to it when I get to it". ty ❤️ Grinding.zip
  2. This is a rough draft of my hunter rotation, it will be built upon heavily once kiting is implemented and WEPW can take full advantage of the hunter toolkit. What does it do? Out of Combat Buff Aspect of the Hawk Call or Revive Pet Send pet to attack (once a target is acquired) In Combat Raptor Strike (melee) Hunter's Mark Serpent Sting Arcane Shot Hunter3.cs
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