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Automation Vault

Plugin API


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  • Vault Administrator

Please note that the  plugin API has full access to wUnit Class and each attribute may be called within the plugin directly.

wUnit GetPlayer() // Returns the player Object.
CastSpell(string Name)  // Casts the given spell.

UseMacro(string Name)  // Triggers the given macro name.
bool UnitHasAura(wUnit, string AuraName)  /// Returns true if the wUnit has the given Aura.
List<wUnit> GetUnitsList() // returns a list of all units loaded by the obj mgr.
List<uObject> GetObjectsList() //returns a list of all objects loaded by the obj mgr.
InteractWithObject(uObject) // Interacts "Clicks" on an in-game object.
InteractWithUnit(wUnit)  // Interacts "Clicks" on an in-game unit.
Sleep(int delay) // Sleeps the current plugin thread.

bool IsObjectBobbing(uObject) // Checks to see if the given uObject is Bobbing.

bool IsObjectValid(uObject) // Checks to see if the given uObject is still valid within memory.

bool IsUnitValid(wUnit) // Checks to see if the given wUnit is still valid within memory.

string GetBOTState() // Returns the current BOT state.

SetBOTState(string BOTstate) // sets the current BOT state.

SendKey(int KeyCode, int Delay) // emulates a keystroke to the attached wow client.

FaceUnit(wUnit) // Faces the player to the given wUnit.
int GetStuckTime()  // returns the amount of time the player has been stuck for.
Path()  // Handles basic pathing logic only runs with there is a valid MeshPath loaded.
int GetCurrentPoint() // Returns the current waypoint number.

vector3[] GetCurrentPath() // Returns a vector3 array of the current MeshPath.

int GetCurrentPathSize() // Returns the count of the Current MeshPath Vector array.

bool FindMeshPathToUnit(wUnit) // Generates a mesh path to a given unit (populates CurrentPath) - Returns false if path generation fails.

bool FindMeshPathToObject(uObject) // Generates a mesh path to a given object (populates CurrentPath) - Returns false if path generation fails.

bool FindMeshPathToPoint(Float X, Float Y, Float Z) // Generates a mesh path to a given point. - Returns false if path generation fails.
BlackListPoint(float x, float y, float z) /// Blacklists a 20 yard area around the given point where the BOT will not path (causes meshes to load).

TargetUnit(wUnit) // Sets the given wUnit as the players target in-game.

UseCommand(string Command) // Excutes the given Command in-game such as "TARGETLASTTARGET".
Edited by MrFade
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